Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the best looking boys in town!

This is how we woke up this morning..... Adam was already off to school and I told Aidan to be quiet while getting himself ready to not wake his brother up. He looked at me and said "mom, Zander's not here" Just as I suspected I found him sleeping soundly snuggled up to his grandma who had spent the night with us. They both looked pretty dang content!

Here is a cute shot of my 11 year old Aidan right after
his band concert, proud as can be!

I should also mention that he rocked getting the principal's honor roll award today,

straight A's and lunch with the principal! Smart and cute!

Sweet Zander tying to mimic his brother's look :)

Aidan getting ready to perform his big solo during his band concert/

He ROCKED IT of course!

Aidan hanging out with his sweet girlfriend Ashley..
Cute aren't they!?

So there you have it, my pride and joy. I have the most amazing sweet, smart, and compassionate boys I could ever imagine. I love them more than life. I attribute the way they are greatly to the influence my husband has on them, you can see it in their jokes, their personalities, and the way they love to do things as a family.

Adam Todd Staley, I couldn't have made these guys into who they are without you. We all love you Alpha Dog!

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