I wish I could write out everything I am feeling here, but I am sure my ex would find some way to twist it and use it to his advantage, so I will just say that me and the boys are good. Great actually. What we first thought of as terrible has turned into an amazing bonding experience. We spend our days doing the things I did as a kid, in the same house I did them, and my kids think they are just as much fun as I used to! I taught Aidan the skill of walking across the lawn on a rolling barrel, both boys now love to crawl through any culvert they find, we take long walks, visit old neighbors that have been here as long as my parents have, and feed the ducks just like I did as a kid. I love to see them take joy in these simple things in life. It is nice to get rid of the distraction of video games (Not that there are not video games here, just when I force them to put them away) and really play. We snuggle when we watch movies and Zander always has a part of his boy touching me when he sleeps. He's kind of like a magnet, if I move he follows, its kind of funny. I know this because I test it often as I lay in bed not sleeping, missing my husband terribly.
I gave the boys home haircuts the other night... I do not reccomend this but I have no income so I really didn't have a choice. they actually look pretty cute. Pictures won't upload right now, I will try later... they are on facebook if you want to see :)