Tuesday, November 6, 2007

husbands..... sometimes they can drive you nuts!!

I am so lucky that mine is not usually one of those! He is completley supportive of everything I do, he t ells me how beautiful he thinks I am on a daily basis (he may need strong glasses, but I'm not gonna tell him!) and this last week he has beed a godsend to me! I have been pretty sick with Chrones disease. On Friday my Dr. wanted to put me in the hospital, but I declined as I have a baby who is still nursing to take care of.... I also delined alot of the pills they want to put me on for this reason. I did however accept the percocet to deal with the pain so I don't get too grumpy and kill said baby! I have woken up more than once in the night over this last week with my husband squeezing me so tight I can't breathe, then saying "oh sorry I woke you, I just love you so much" He is such a doll! He helps me with the kids all that he can, while still working crazy hours trying to make ends meet. He is often home late on weeknights, working until 8 or so, so that when his kids come he can take off a bit and have so fun. I love that about him..... heck I love everything about him! I am one lucky woman, and even though the skys are falling down all around us, I know the 2 of us will be left standing, holding on to each other for eternity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Adam is also extremely blessed to have you in his life as well. You both deserve the happiness you give each other. My family has also been blessed by being able to be part of your family. It gives us great joy when we are with you folks. I hope we can keep up the visits even though we are now 2,000 miles apart. I know it will be quite a while before we are able to come visit back there, but we will do whatever we can. We love you all!

Thanks for keeping up this blog, as it helps us know what is going on in your life. Keep up the excellent work and take care of that brother of mine.
