Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I guess it was bound to happen.......

I got the call every mom with kids in school dreads today. Aidan is in 5th grade and for the first time in his life I got a call from his principal..... Ouch! I suppose I should count myself as lucky to have made it this far with him never having gotten in trouble in school, but I've gotta tell ya, this is not my kid! This year is the first time he has EVER been in trouble anything more severe than his teacher telling him to knock something off. This year he received the first B of his life and now a call from the principal.... and I promise you that B was not because the work was too hard, it is all about attitude!

Unfortunately he is having some anger management problems right now, so far they are contained to hurtful words, and i don't think he is a violent person, but I never thought he was a person to say hurtful things. I know this year has been a rough one on him for many reasons, but that is not an excuse to act out. One thing I know for sure is that i will not allow this kind of behavior to escalate any further than it already has, he has some serious penance to pay at the moment...... The joys of preteen boys!

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