Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I blinked and just like that

My little angel baby Aidan is a full fledged self proclaimed tween! I swear it was an overnight transformation. Last week he was acting nerdy with the other neighborhood boys and now he has a strut to his step. You see there is a girl, a really cute girl, and he is head over heals. It is so strange to see Aidan act awkward around a girl, he has always just been his goofy self no matter who is around, but this girl he wants to impress.... and its mutual. She has brought him little gifts to our door with nervous giggles, dragged her friends up to the door and pointed him out and say "Look, that's Aidan" and according to my "IN" with the young crowd in the neighborhood Aidan has "The hair" that I guess is sought after these days and that is what ultimately won her over. The other day walking home from school they stopped to talk in front of our house (she lives 3 houses down) and Adam actually had to say so Aidan, maybe you should offer to walk her home. As I was thinking how cute it was I realized that no matter how cute the "I'm in love" face is it means that he is going to either hurt or be hurt, and with the way Aidan loves and attaches to people and animals I am betting he will be the one who is hurt. I hate to think about my little boy going through heartbreak, it hurts me to think about it!
For now I am marveling at how in such a short time my little guy has gone from the Pokemon nerd to a boy who wants to shower and make his hair look cool, and even put on deodorant (Still not into matching his outfits but I guess that would be asking alot ! ;) He is planning now to buy her a present with his allowance instead of buying more bey blades or Pokemon. I dare say he is growing up before my eyes. I am also well aware that I am very lucky that he still considers boys kissing girls to be totally gross and I will continue to remind him of just how gross it is for as long as I can! I guess I have to admit his hair is looking pretty cool these days ! ;)

1 comment:

S.I.F. said...

Oh man! I totally remember my first hand-holding-palms-sweating boyfriend!! So much fun!