Thursday, July 24, 2008

What a summer!

I started this post almost a month ago, but just never got around to posting..... we have had a fabulous summer with all of our kids, we camped at little bear lake for a week, then up at Los Burros for about 10 days, somehow in there we managed to fit in a super cool birthday party for little Zander, a few movies, a little bit of relaxing and a lot of fun. I managed to loose about 7 of the 30 pounds that I NEED to loose, not that great, but its a start! We hiked, biked, and played tennis alot. Mostly we just enjoyed all being together!

There were some stressful times, I was on edge alot of the summer due to the stresses of moving, money, health issues, and this irrational fear of me leaving Zander alone for even a second after his accidental drug overdose at the babysitters house earlier this summer. I am not proud to admit that I went into a total panic one day when Lyndsay (who is the ONLY person I have trusted him with since the incident) was babysitting one day and said she was going to take him over to her grandparents house. I hardly know them, and even though I know they are good people, the thought of him going to someone Else's house just sent me into a complete fit. Adam ended up watching him so the kids could see their grandparents, thank goodness! I am really going to have to get past that one.

I had time to do alot of thinking and soul-searching, and the thing that keeps popping into my head is how blessed I am with the family I have. Adam and I are a perfect fit in every way. He truly completes me, is my best friend, loves me unconditionally, even when I spend months on end as a nutcase, and most importantly he loves and accepts me for me. That is something rare in this day and I am so lucky to have found it.

As a bonus I get to be a part of his kids lives. His kids are great. Alot of people balk at the word step kids, I cherish mine. They all 3 have wonderful, special hearts, and have accepted and loved me as a step mom. I have to admit that when Adam and I started dating the idea of his kids scared the crap out of me, but I took the leap, and have never looked back. Of course there have been ups and downs, as there is in any relationship, but I feel like all around I share special relationships with each of them. Lyndsay is our sweetheart, she is always there to help, loves Zander to death, and is often the only person in the world that can get little Aidan Wolfe to calm down and think clearly. Dylan is our clown, he makes everyone laugh, it is impossible to be mad at that boy, and he tells me often, and for no reason that he loves me. Aiden Tanner is kind of like a gentle giant. He is strong, like crazy strong for an 8 year old, but even though he is only a month older than my Aidan, he is 100% his big brother. I have seen them fight, and seen Aidan W. punch him and Aiden T just standing there.... I asked him Why don't you hit him back, and he said I just don't want to hurt him, he will calm down. What a mature and sweet thing to do for a brother! There has never been a day since we married that I have regretted blending our families, it has been a wild ride, but I love wild rides.

The boys are coming back in 2 weeks for another visit, and I can't wait to see them, we will miss Lyndsay, as she has some activities that she didn't want to miss, along with preparing for her first year of high school, but we will have an awesome time as always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are lucky. It is a rare thing to get wonderful step-children. I had a great relationship with 3 out of 4 of mine, but the youngest child took 14 years to come around to liking me!