Thursday, March 20, 2008

people with absolutly no tact!

Ok, since being on a high dose of steroids for 6 weeks (I just tapered down and got off them 2 days ago) I have gained 30 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I am so embarrassed, I feel disgusting, I have never had a hard time with being heavy, I have always had a hard time kepping at at least 100 pounds.... so now I feel like a freaking beached whale, so here is my week..... Monday I dropped Zan off at the sitter, the first thing she said was "you look like shit" ok, thanks, I can blow one off, then I go to the office and 3 different people made comments to me about how much I had put on, these are my co-workers and it is non of their damn buisness but oh well.... well the clincher was today I went to the post office and the nice lady there that knows me was saying how cute zander was, and said, are you excited for the new one. I told her as nicely as I could that I was not pregnant, just on steriods, and my intestines are very infected and inflamed right now, making me look about 4 or 5 months along (it is big, seriously it sucks) so I left and sat in my car and cried for about 15 minutes. Zander kept coming up and kissing me and patting my shoulder, which is the only reason I pulled it together... so now I am on a mission to loose this weight quick.... slimfast is about to become my best friend!


Jenna said...

Hang in there, Jen. It's only temporary, and it's more important that you are healthy. Never mind all the rude people! Everyone would rather have you a little heavier than a lot sicker. :)

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are the most beautiful woman! I doubt you have an extra 10 pounds, at most, by the looks of you. It was water weight, for sure. I love you so much, no matter what. Good thing for me is that you are always my hottie, with STUNNING looks and AWESOME personality. BTW, I didn't know you even had a blogspot, but this was on the computer when I sat down! VERY COOL.