Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dieting, excercising, and other not so fun stuff

I have been trying to loose about 20 pounds that I put on while on steriods a few months ago.... I don't get it, but this time I have had real trouble! All my life I have hovered around 100 -110 pounds, and when I have had babies or other things make me gain weight I have always lost it without even trying, this is not so anymore! I have been eating better (this is the big challenge for me, as I LOVE bad food!!) and excercising as much as a 2 year old will allow.... I run on the treadmill and he come and puts his cars on the back of it to watch them fly off.... I ride my bike, with him in the trailer of course, and he reaches up and grabs my rear wheel... this is the way my excercise goes. So I have cried, gotten mad, and cried some more, but all of a sudden over this last 2 weeks I have seen some results. I am down 6 pounds in 2 weeks, which is awesome, and I have taken up either a walk or bike ride in the evenings. It has been fun to walk or ride with just zan and adam, but I am excited to get all the other kiddos back up here! We will be picking them up on friday and are looking forward to an awesome and busy summer!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I took Aidan to the zoo today, there are some pics on my blog. He had a lot of fun. Good job with the six pounds. One of the things I love to do beside Water Aerobics is pilates, there are some good workouts on this website, www.exercisetv.tv I totally know what you mean about the kid thing and exercise though, anytime I am on my stability ball they love to come and go under the "bridge" usually knocking me off. :)