Friday, April 17, 2009

Who's the boss?

You tell me who wears the pants in my family?
Here was the conversation a few days ago...
Adam: I think I want to try 1% milk and see if I could tolerate it now, it is so much better for you.
Me: That's disgusting, I can't drink that stuff!
Adam: I really love milk but hate drinking all that fat
Me: yes but that fat is good, studies show that kids should drink whole milk, I am already
compromising with the 2% milk. If you want 1% you could just pour a glass of milk and add water to it :)

I thought the conversation was over until yesterday in Safeway. When we went to check out what kind of milk was in the cart... yep 1% I just rolled my eyes and him and said OK, you win, but I am NOT drinking it!


Leah said...

LOL! We have had the exact same discussion at our house! Sometimes I'll just buy one small 1/2 gallon of 1% for me and buy the full size gallon for everyone else. Growing up we never drank whole milk only SKIM! Matt grew up drinking whole only. I actually did use to add ice to the whole milk to water it down a bit.

ATS said...

Ha! Just ask Jenny what is in the friggin' fridge. 2%.

I've tried and tried to get those pants off of her, but they just won't budge!!!! ;)

The Husband Adam