If only Lynz, Dylan, and Aiden T. had been with us we would have had our whole family together in 1 place... even with a small family that seems just plain impossible to do! We had such an amazing time out in Arkansas, it was even worth the 1000 mile drive to get out there (coming home the same distance was not so worth it!) It was so awesome to see my baby sister raising her babies, she is such a fantastic mom! Her kids are not only adorable, but they all 3 have the sweetest, loving personalities I have ever seen. I need to take a few notes from her on this one! Aidan, Zander, and I drove out there first, and had everyone to ourselves for a few days, then my mom flew out, then a few days later Adam and my dad joined us. Angie arranged for Aidan to take Tea Kwon Do lessons with her daughter Elizabeth who is 4 while we were there. It was awesome for Aidan, he just loved it, and he was GOOD! Elizabeth taught him to count to 10 in Korean in 2 days, and the instructor was super impressed. Zander got to play with his cousin Tristan who is 1 month younger than Zan, and everybody got to love on baby Cole. It was a time that we will never forget. My kids are devastated the last few days without their cousins, and my sister says her kids are to. I hope we can get together more often after this, it looks promising to me!
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